Friday, July 20, 2007

My Coke Habit

Yes, I guess I need to admit it... I have a Coke habit... Coca-Cola, that is. I crave the yummy taste, the bubbles, the caffiene. I HAVE TO QUIT!! Coca-Cola is my vice. I like, I love it, I ALWAYS want some more of it. This little 12 oz can of cabonated water, high fructose corn syrup, carmel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors and caffeine, boasts 140 Calories, and 39 g of Carbs. What is a "natural flavor" in Coke?? I don't believe you can find Coca-Cola in the wild...can you?? If so, tell me where!!!!!! This is the first thing that passes my lips in the morning, well, after my prayers & toothbrush anyway. People say you should drink more water, but is our water better than Coca-cola? With all of the chemicals we dump into it. Flouride, a bi-product of Aluminum...did you know that? I didn't until my mother advised me of this fact. I don't see chlorene, flouride, or any other chemicals in the ingredience. Our tap water doesn't have an ingredient list. It should! Well, I want to live healthier. Is that even possible? I believe if we learned how to be self-sustaining again, we could possible be healthier, naturally. Hmmm...i need to think about this one.