Saturday, July 7, 2007

Today my mom is coming home. My family has always been "different". We actually like each other. Contrary to most of the things you hear in today's world. We played games together, hugged each other in the halls in high-school, stuck up for each other, sang together, laughed together. Yes, I still gave my mom a kiss when she would drop me off to school. I still hold her hand now. Sometimes when you watch American TV, it will portray a underlying feeling of conflict between family members. Therefore, you see more sisters not liking their brothers, or kids not wanting to walk down the mall WITH their parents. When did kids start to get embarrassed by their family? I believe it starts when parents allow children kids to have an "opinion" about things when they are too young to even understand what an opinion is. Maybe that is why there is so many angry kids in the world. Pre-teens stealing babies out of their cribs at night, kids shooting each other, killing their family. Has our lack of family caused the family to implode upon itself? How can we change this? Well, we used to call it "Forced Family Fun". Or the FFF.
Life is so hard already, we need to be consistent in discipline, love, laughter, meals, family time. In a world where we are so connected; cell phones, Internet, transportation, media, so many feel so alone. So, try some FFF. You might find out that you like it...Maybe even love it.
We all love each other

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